Well, today was the “big race!” I didn’t really work my training to race this one [supposed to be a tune up/training race], but I actually wish I would have! Not only is the CRIM a big race nationally, but I really love racing and want to do it more frequently. While I realize I can’t peak for every single race, I do look forward to not having months of training for one race…and honestly had I reworked this summer’s training, even with the marathon at the peak, I would have altered it a bit to be at least minimally race ready for a few shorter races—especially a great one like the CRIM!
Overall I’m not quite sure how I feel about the race. I was planning to do it as a practice for my marathon, both the pre-race prep and the pace. I was a little off my marathon pace [slightly over 8mpm] which scares me a bit seeing as it was only 10 miles.
I realize the conditions were much worse than they will [should!] be for my marathon, but it was also less than half as far!
So on the positive side, I was able to race it despite fearing I was reinjured or overtrained. I also ran and recovered from it with less pain than I’ve had all week, continuing my bounce back from the peak training 100 mile week.
It was a hot, humid, and hilly race. We got a late start and I ended up missing my warm up and last minute Cliff Shot. I also am one week off my training peak of 100mpw, so while this week was more or less recovery and my legs feel better, I’m certainly not primed to race. On top of all that, while my pace wasn’t what I’d hoped for, it was a big improvement for me compared to where I’ve come from. Only months ago I was excited to do intervals under 9mpm, let along hold close to 8 average for 10 miles.
In sum, it wasn’t what I wanted, but it wasn’t a crash either. Looking at my training this summer as a whole, I’ve moved forward in net results. I continue to look forward and hope for better, but I’m making progress, recovering just when I think I’ve done too much, and continuing to improve.
I still need to improve how I take care of myself physically here—still realizing how much I could gain in that sense alone. Compared to Bayshore this was better: I did make it to bed before midnight and my intake has been more solid.
I still have major work to do on my sleeping overall, especially going to bed before an early morning race. I feel so great every time I run early—just imagine how that’d feel it I was running early AND had actually slept more than a couple hours!
I still need to time my intake much sooner, increase it overall, and figure out what types and proportions will keep my glycogen stores and blood sugar at their prime.
…and I can’t wait to get into XC season and race more of these kinds of races!
5K’s drove me nuts because I just got going and the race ended. With this sort of distance [even a 10K I think] I can really give it all I’ve got, but it’s not quite so taxing as a marathon where you put everything into only a couple races a year. Plus I get to work with a team again! That just tops it all. J
Let’s see if I can figure out how to do this picture thing…
5am—heading out the door!
congrats on the race!
yay for improvement, healing and getting stronger!
Your bio is like reading my own.. I have my exercise science degree and am certified through ACSM, I am getting my Masters in Nutrition and I run marathons.. to crazy... where do you live?
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