Monday, June 1, 2009

Recovery, Rest, and Blah

I didn’t go to practice this morning. Normally I’d play it by ear, see how my leg feels [since it’s so unpredictable], but having finished the second half marathon of my cycle, and just getting ready to start my summer training, I want to use this week to make sure I’m fully healed, solid to start a strong summer—not one I hang in there, get through, or compromise.

It’s tough where I’m at here. Recovery days/periods are refreshing after a phase of hard work, but coming off of two weeks of cutting stuff out of my training, I’m not exactly feleing like more rest days.

Nonetheless,I was definitely exhausted! I stayed in bed over 8 hours [not counting getting up every hour or two for the rest room], and after sitting around eating and on the computer for a couple hours, went back to bed for a shut-eye pretend-it nap for another hour just now! The idea was that I’d do something after lunch…and yet I find myself again in zombie mode on the computer, just counting down til I leave for work. Ah well, I’ve gotten through days like this before, and if nothing else I’ve just got all that much more pep once I finally get movin’ with life!


Unknown said...

Hi lovie! I'm sure you made the right decision to listen to your body and do what you have to do. :) Embrace that lazy day, and take it as a sign that your body's saying, "Wow, I'm pooped, let's rest for a while!" Have a great day, darling. :) I'm keeping you in my prayers!
xoxoxo Okie

LiLmissGuTs said...

haha, i know--but what makes this tougher is my body ISN'T telling me to rest, my mind is telling it that it should, and I'm still not sure if that's right!

love you too okie :)